Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy Annual Statement 2023
SafeLane Global's Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy Annual Statement 2023
SafeLane Global’s experienced senior leadership team provides unique, expert information and comment to deadline. Its experts are regularly quoted in the international, national and trade press.
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SafeLane Global's Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy Annual Statement 2023
SafeLane Global is delighted to be the Platinum Sponsor of the Counter Threat Symposium 2023, taking place between the 5th and 7th of December, in Farnborough.
Highly experienced and distinguished former British Army Officer Tim Illingworth is taking the reins; current CEO Rob Hunter will step across to exclusively lead Igne, ensuring…
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today announced its continued support to Landmine and Un-Exploded Ordnance (UXO) clearance in Yemen - SafeLane Global is proud to be able to continue…
At circa 11.00hrs (local time) on Wednesday 23rd March 2022, armed insurgents entered a secure compound in Mogadishu, which houses SafeLane Global staff.
Join SafeLane Global at Oceanology International from the 15th - 17th of March 2022.
SafeLane Global's Marine team will be attending Marine Energy Wales in Llandudno from the 22nd - 23rd of March 2022. Book a chat with us today.
On the 21st - 22nd of June 2022, SafeLane Global will be attending the Global Offshore Wind event at the Manchester Central Convention Complex. Visit us at Stand 200 to learn…
In April 2020, SafeLane Global was announced as a winner of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade category. The pandemic put celebrations on hold, …
Last month, SafeLane’s deminers in Mozambique took on an unusual job to keep the local community safe in the Govuro District in Inhambane Province. They worked to remove…
SafeLane will be on Stand 29 at this year's Global Offshore Wind event at ExCel in London on September 29th - 30th - and we would love you to join us for a beer. Come and…
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has extended the essential Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance (Masam) for another year.
The United Nations has designated the 21st of April World Creativity and Innovation Day, #WCID. It’s a day to focus on and celebrate the roles of both creativity and innovation…
Many of us enjoy tasty treats like chocolate eggs and hot cross buns at Easter, but what can be a treat for us humans can be dangerous for our canine chums. Thanks to our…
As a long-term mine action operator, we're showing our commitment to the UN's Mine Action Day 2021 by dedicating this entire month to celebrating the mine action achievements…
SafeLane’s marine team have spent the last three years working alongside and developing an exciting relationship with SAND Geophysics to utilise the most efficient technical…
Normally we confine our p'updates to a quick social media post. But today's tips on how to keep your dog safe in winter is deserving of a whole post. Here's how to SAFELANE…
SafeLane decided to catch up with our explosive detection dog (EDD) team in the Middle East at the end of last year to see how our longest standing personnel had found their…
The Falkland Islands are landmine-free after 11 years’ clearance by SafeLane Global.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia today announced its continued support to landmine and unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance in Yemen.
At SafeLane Global, our dogs have jobs…but when they have worked hard enough to protect lives, this is how we find them forever retirement homes.
On Tuesday 4th February 2020, the Kuwait Deputy Project Manager Claude Doppagne was involved in a fatal traffic accident in Kuwait City.
SafeLane Global's explosive ordnance experts are searching for bombs on the site of Tesla's megafactory in Brandenberg, Germany.
SafeLane is carrying out a non-intrusive marine survey in the River Mersey in Liverpool ahead of extensions to an existing ferry port.
Clearing contaminated lands and marine environments