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Specialist canine training services

SafeLane Global offers canine training services globally including explosive detection dog and narcotic detection dog (EDD/NDD) handler courses, protection handler courses and specialist search dog trainers courses.

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EDD / NDD Handlers Courses

On a SafeLane Explosive and Narcotic Dog Handlers courses, participants will learn a variety of skills and knowledge related to working with dogs trained in detecting explosives or narcotics. 

1. Introduction to Canine Detection: Understand the role of detection dogs and their significance in security, and other relevant fields.

2. Dog Selection and Training: Learn how dogs are selected for detection work and the specific characteristics desired in an explosive or narcotic detection dog. Gain insight into the training process and techniques used to develop their detection abilities.

3. Recognising and Handling Explosives or Narcotics: Develop knowledge of various types of explosives or narcotics, including their properties, hiding spots, and potential dangers. Learn how to handle these substances safely to minimise risks.

4. Basic Husbandry Care: Gain an understanding of the day-to-day care required for working dogs, including topics such as nutrition, exercise, grooming, and overall well-being.

5. Basic Veterinary Care: Learn the basics of canine first aid and health management, allowing you to address minor injuries or illnesses that may occur in the field until professional veterinary assistance is available.

6. Search Techniques and Tactics: Acquire essential skills in conducting effective searches for explosives or narcotics in various environments, ranging from low-risk situations to high-risk operational scenarios.

7. Handling and Obedience: Learn how to handle detection dogs effectively, including leash control, command development, and maintaining handler-dog communication during searches.

8. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Understand the legal frameworks and ethical responsibilities associated with working as a dog handler in explosive or narcotic detection. Learn about the proper documentation and reporting procedures necessary for incidents or findings.

9. Safety Protocols: Explore safety measures and best practices for both the dog and handler during training exercises and real-world deployments, emphasizing risk management and minimizing potential hazards.

Protection Dog Handler Course

On a SafeLane Protection Dog Handlers course, handers will learn a variety of skills and knowledge related to working with and handling protection dogs. 

1. Introduction to Protection Dogs: Understand the role and purpose of protection dogs in various fields such as, security, personal protection, or military applications.

2. Dog Selection and Training: Learn how protection dogs are selected based on specific traits, drives, and temperament suitable for protection work. Gain insight into the training process, including obedience, bite work, and controlled aggression training.

3. Canine Behaviour and Psychology: Develop an understanding of canine behaviour, body language, and communication patterns. This knowledge will help handlers interpret and respond appropriately to their dog's cues and signals.

4. Equipment and Handling Techniques: Learn about the different types of equipment used in protection work, such as bite sleeves, harnesses, or muzzles. Gain skills in properly fitting and using this equipment, as well as effective handling techniques for controlling and directing the dog during protection situations.

5. Legal Considerations: Understand the legal and ethical aspects of working with protection dogs, including laws and regulations related to their use in different jurisdictions. Learn about the rights and responsibilities of handlers in terms of deployment, use of force, and liability issues.

6. Threat Assessment and Situational Awareness: Develop the ability to assess potential threats and risks in various environments. Learn how to maintain situational awareness and make effective decisions to mitigate risks while handling a protection dog. 

7. Personal Protection Techniques: Acquire skills in personal protection methods, including escorting and protecting a person, building searches, suspect apprehension, and controlled aggression release commands.

8. Maintenance and Care of Protection Dogs: Learn about the necessary husbandry care, including nutrition, exercise, conditioning, and regular health checks to maintain the physical and mental well-being of protection dogs 

9. Handler and Dog Team Building: Understand the importance of building a strong bond and effective communication with the protection dog. Learn techniques to enhance the relationship and improve teamwork between the handler and the dog.

Specialist Search Dog Trainer Course

On a SafeLane Specialist Search Dog Trainer Course is focused on training dogs on scent detection, you can expect to learn various skills and knowledge related to teaching dogs to identify and indicate specific scents.

1. Canine Olfaction: Understand the remarkable sense of smell possessed by dogs and how they use it for scent detection work. Learn about the anatomy and physiology of a dog's nose and how it relates to their olfactory capabilities.

2. Scent Theory: Gain knowledge about the science behind scents, including the composition, volatility, and characteristics of different odours. Understand how dogs differentiate between scents and the factors that can affect scent detection performance.

3. Training Methodologies: Learn various training methodologies and techniques used in scent detection training. This can include positive reinforcement training, shaping behaviours, classical conditioning, and operant conditioning.

4. Scent Discrimination: Develop the ability to train dogs to discriminate between different scents and indicate the presence of a target scent. Learn how to condition dogs to recognize specific odours and provide clear indications or alerts when a target scent is located.

5. Search Patterns and Techniques: Understand the different search patterns and techniques used in scent detection work. Learn how to guide the dog through an area to systematically search for and locate specific scents or targets.

6. Environmental Factors: Gain knowledge about the various environmental factors that can impact scent detection, such as wind direction, weather conditions, and the presence of distractions or contaminants. Learn how to adapt training and handling techniques accordingly.

7. Maintenance Training: Learn strategies for maintaining and reinforcing scent detection skills once they are initially trained. Understand the importance of ongoing training, regular practice, and skill refinement to ensure consistent performance.

8. Handler Skills and Communication: Develop effective handling skills, including leash control, communication with the dog, timing of rewards, and encouragement during scent detection exercises. Learn how to read and interpret the dog's behaviour and signals during searches.

9. Safety Considerations: Understand safety protocols related to scent detection training, including proper handling and storage of target scents, handling potentially hazardous materials, and managing potential health risks to both the dog and handler.

Certifying qualifying students to international standards

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